Elevate: Journeys. Where it all began.
In 2024, we embarked on something truly special—the launch of Elevate Mind & Business’ first-ever event, Journeys. As the doors opened and the room filled with incredible wāhine from across Otago, we stood back and took a deep breath, taking in the energy of the space. There was a buzz of excitement, a hum of possibility, and a collective feeling that something meaningful was about to unfold.
Journeys was never just about hosting an event—it was about creating a space where women in business could come together, connect deeply, and feel seen and supported in their unique paths. We wanted to spark conversations that matter, to bring forward the stories of women who have navigated challenges, embraced opportunities, and built businesses and careers with passion and perseverance.
Elevate: Your Business
Our Elevate: Your Business event was nothing short of extraordinary! Bringing together a powerful group of ambitious, inspiring women from across the region, this event was all about connection, learning, and uplifting one another. Held once again at the vibrant Erricks Venue with beautiful décor and signage from We Do Weddings and Events and Dried Meadow flowers It was a day packed with wisdom, energy, and community spirit—everything we set out to achieve and more.
Elevating Women in Business with MortgageMe: A Partnership Rooted in Empowerment
At Elevate Mind & Business, we are committed to supporting women in business by providing opportunities for growth, connection, and learning. Our mission is made possible through the generosity and backing of incredible local businesses that believe in empowering women to succeed. One such supporter is MortgageMe, a trusted mortgage advisory service that has been guiding Kiwis toward financial security and homeownership with integrity and expertise.
We were thrilled to have MortgageMe as a valued sponsor of our Your Business event, and we want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude for their support. Their commitment to financial empowerment aligns perfectly with our mission at Elevate—to help women step into their power, take control of their futures, and build lives and businesses that truly thrive.
A Heartfelt Thank You to Cutlers Real Estate: Supporting Women in Business with Elevate
At Elevate Mind & Business, our mission is to empower and uplift local women in business, creating spaces for learning, connection, and growth. This mission wouldn’t be possible without the support of incredible local businesses who believe in the power of collaboration and community. Today, we want to shine a spotlight on one of our valued sponsors for the "Your Business" event – Cutlers Real Estate. Their generosity and commitment to supporting local entrepreneurs played a key role in making this event possible, and we are incredibly grateful for their partnership.
Marks & Worth – Supporting Women in Business with Expert Legal Guidance
At Elevate Mind & Business, we believe in the power of community, connection, and collaboration. Our mission is to create spaces where women in business can learn, grow, and thrive—together. But we don’t do this work alone. We are supported by incredible local businesses that share our vision and actively contribute to the success of women in business.
One such business is Marks & Worth, a Dunedin-based law firm that is so much more than just legal advisors—they are champions of clarity, fairness, and empowerment in the business world. We are incredibly grateful for their support of our Your Business event, helping us bring valuable opportunities, insights, and inspiration to local women.