Elevate: Journeys. Where it all began.

In 2024, we embarked on something truly special—the launch of Elevate Mind & Business’ first-ever event, Journeys. As the doors opened and the room filled with incredible wāhine from across Otago, we stood back and took a deep breath, taking in the energy of the space. There was a buzz of excitement, a hum of possibility, and a collective feeling that something meaningful was about to unfold.

Journeys was never just about hosting an event—it was about creating a space where women in business could come together, connect deeply, and feel seen and supported in their unique paths. We wanted to spark conversations that matter, to bring forward the stories of women who have navigated challenges, embraced opportunities, and built businesses and careers with passion and perseverance.

A Room Full of Possibility

As we stepped up to welcome everyone, we couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride. Here we were, standing in front of a room full of women who had chosen to show up—not just for themselves, but for each other. Many had walked in not knowing what to expect, some nervous, some eager, all ready to be part of something bigger than themselves.

From the moment our incredible panelists took the stage, the energy shifted. We listened to stories of resilience, of bold leaps, of navigating setbacks, and of celebrating wins—big and small. We heard about the realities of balancing ambition with family life, the importance of community in business, and the power of staying true to your vision even when the path ahead is uncertain.

The Power of Shared Stories

The heart of Journeys lay in the raw and real conversations. Each speaker brought her own unique perspective, yet there was a common thread that wove through them all—the understanding that no one’s journey is linear. Success looks different for everyone, and the lessons learned along the way are just as valuable as the milestones reached.

Hearing these stories wasn’t just inspiring; it was grounding. It reminded us all that growth happens in the messy middle, in the moments of doubt, in the times when we take a risk even when we’re unsure of the outcome. It reaffirmed that our experiences, no matter how different, connect us in ways that matter.

A Community Rooted in Connection

Beyond the panel discussions, some of the most magical moments happened in the small conversations—the women who exchanged numbers over coffee, the connections made between those facing similar business challenges, the moments of encouragement between strangers turned friends. This is what Elevate is about. It’s not just networking; it’s about building real, lasting relationships that uplift and empower.

As the event wrapped up, we looked around the room, filled with women who had come as individuals and were leaving as part of a growing community. We knew in that moment that this was just the beginning.

Looking Ahead: Journeys 2025

We are beyond excited to announce that Journeys will be back in March 2025! That’s right—same epic theme, different panel, same unwavering commitment to supporting and celebrating women in business. We’re curating another lineup of incredible wāhine, showcasing local businesses, and bringing you more of the connection and inspiration that made our first event so special.

If you were there for the first Journeys, you know the magic that unfolded. If you missed it, now’s your chance to experience it for yourself. Details and tickets will be released soon, so stay tuned.

Thank you to every single person who showed up, shared, and supported us on this journey. This is just the beginning, and we can’t wait to see where Elevate takes us all next.

What was your biggest takeaway from Journeys 2024? We’d love to hear your reflections in the comments below!


Elevate: Your Business